Always Jane

Jane Noury lives with her family in rural New Jersey, and like any teenager must balance friends, family and school. While today’s political and social climate may not seem like the easiest time for a transgender teenager to grow up, you haven’t met her family, the Nourys. They wear their hearts on their sleeves and find irreverent humor in daily life, while Jane sets her sights on life beyond her family.
Release date
November 12, 2021
Production Companies
Amazon Studios, Mutt Film, and Union Editorial Danny Tate
Jane Noury, Laura Noury, Gabriel Golam, David Noury, Faith Kansky, Stefanie Lin
Jonathan C. Hyde
Executive Producers
Jonathan C. Hyde, James Haygood, Michael Raimondi, Beth George, Shannon Lords-Houghton, Jane Noury
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Start Free TrialEPISODE 4
Farewell, Sparta Who Got Next?
Jane's surgery is a success. As she recovers, she has second thoughts about college and what the next few years may hold.
Premiere Date: November 12, 2021

Life on Pause
As Jane's future opens up before her, the COVID-19 pandemic strikes. While quarantined together, the Noury family reflects on Jane's transition story.
Premiere Date: November 12, 2021

Far from Jersey
Jane and Laura fly across the country to participate in trans modeling agency Slay's first modeling competition.
Premiere Date: November 12, 2021

Meet the Nourys
Jane is a senior in high school and she's ready to venture out of her small town, Sparta, New Jersey, starting with a modeling competition in Los Angeles
Premiere Date: November 12, 2021