Out Loud | A Grito Herido | Amazon Prime
Four school friends and their singing teacher make up a fun and very promising romantic music cover band until a big fight breaks them up. Seven years later, thanks to the marriage of one of them, they meet again. When the friend gets stood up at the altar, the problems they all have come

Four school friends and their singing teacher make up a fun and very promising romantic music cover band until a big fight breaks them up. Seven years later, thanks to the marriage of one of them, they meet again. When the friend gets stood up at the altar, the problems they all have come to light: Daniela, the bride, wants to leave her father's house and find a man with whom she can be happy; Rocio is about to be fired from the school where she has worked as a singing teacher for over 30 years; Ana's driving academy is about to go bankrupt and she is also about to separate from her son's father because she feels he has no ambition; Paloma, a psychologist who never got to practice her profession because she was stuck taking care of her husband's kids, finds out she's pregnant two days before her husband is taken away for a notorious corruption case; and Karla, the successful entertainment news anchor doesn't know how to handle the tortuous affair she has with one of her co-worker's husband. An improvised and emotional bar performance opens up the possibility for these five women to re-form the cover group they had as teenagers, but first they will have to solve their complicated and chaotic lives and the marked differences that led them to separate. After that, and only after that, "Las Fans" will be ready to enjoy life, their friendship, and to go out and devour the world using 'iron music' and singing "At the top of their lungs!"
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November 11, 2022
Juliana Barrera
Dago Garcia, Jhony Ortiz, Adriana Barreto
Klish Lopez, Monica Botero
Consulting Producer
Theresa Rebeck
Rubén Montoya
Music Producer
Herminio Gutiérrez
Executive Produce
Asier Aguilar, Dago Garcia, Catalina Porto
Director of Photography
Diego Jimenez
Production Designer
Diego Guarnizo
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