The series stars Vincent Cassel and Eva Green as a passionate couple caught in the web of an international conspiracy, which could lead to their own downfall. The story follows their clandestine journey through dangerous situations and unexpected twists and turns, with their love for each other being tested at every turn.
Peter Mullan plays the mysterious figure who knows the secrets of their past and brings them together, while Gerard Lanvin is the ruthless politician whose ambitions threaten to tear them apart. Daniel Francis and Stanislas Merhar co-star as two French agents on a mission to uncover the truth, with Irene Jacob playing an international lawyer who will do anything for her clients.
The series is executive produced by Gub Neal and Jean-Benoît Gillig from Fremantle, Vincent Cassel, Sarada McDermott (Loving Vincent), Stephen Hopkins, Justin Thomson (Riviera) and Edward Barlow. It is directed by Stephen Hopkins (24 Legacy).
Liaison promises to be an exciting and captivating series, exploring the power of love and its ability to transcend even the most dangerous of situations. Fans of espionage thrillers are sure to be hooked by Liaison’s thrilling story and suspenseful twists.
Premiere date: February 24, 2023
Production companies: Ringside Studios
Writer: Virginie Brac
Cast: Vincent Cassel, Irene Jacob, Eva Green, Peter Mullan, Gerard Lanvin, Daniel Francis, Stanislas Merhar, Bukky Bakray, Laëtitia Eïdo, Eriq Ebouaney, Thierry Fremont
Director: Stephen Hopkins
Executive Producers: Gub Neal, Stephen Hopkins, Vincent Cassel