La Cabeza de Joaquín Murrieta
The series follows the story of Joaquín Murrieta and his rise to notoriety, beginning with him as a small boy in Chihuahua, Mexico. He is orphaned after a tragedy and goes on to become an infamous bandit who fights for justice across California during the Gold Rush era. His exploits are iconic in Mexican culture, as he is believed to have robbed from the rich and given to the poor.
The series was created by Mauricio Leiva-Cock (Reina de Corazones, La Reina del Sur) and Diego Ramirez Schrempp (Sangre de Mi Tierra). The series was directed by Humberto Hinojosa Ozcariz (The House of Flowers, Hemlock Grove) and David Pablos (La Casa del Ritmo). Juliana Flórez Luna (Amar a Muerte) serves as producer.
Audiences can look forward to La Cabeza de Joaquín Murrieta for its action-packed story and thrilling plot combined with beautiful cinematography of Mexico’s wild and rugged landscapes. The show is sure to keep viewers at the edge of their seats, as Joaquín and his team take on insurmountable odds in pursuit of justice for themselves and those around them. La Cabeza de Joaquín Murrieta promises to deliver a powerful and meaningful story to audiences around the world.
Premiere date: February 17, 2023
Produced: Amazon Studios
Created: Mauricio Leiva – Cock, Diego Ramírez Schrempp
Cast: GeistJuan Manuel Bernal, Alejandro Speitzer, Yoshira Escárrega, Emiliano Zurita, Becky Zhu Wu, Maria Jose Musi
Director: Humberto Hinojosa Ozcariz, David Pablos
Producer: Juliana Flórez Luna