Bang Bang Baby

Bang Bang Baby is a 10-part crime drama series set in 1986. Alice is sixteen years old and lives in a small town in Northern Italy. Her teenage life changes abruptly upon discovering her father, whom she believed dead, is still alive. For Alice, it is the beginning of a descent into hell. Out of love for her father, she dives headfirst into the dangerous mob world and becomes seduced by the charm that comes with crime.

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Release date

April 28, 2022

Production Companies

Amazon Studios, Enormous films, The Apartment


Arianna Becheroni, Adriano Giannini, Antonio Gerardi, Dora Romano, Lucia Mascino, Giuseppe De Domenico


Michele Alhaique, Margherita Ferri, Giuseppe Bonito

Executive Producers

Lorenzo Mieli

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Game Over

Sometimes Alice’s life resembles Pacman’s. The main goal of both is to run and save themselves. Alice’s situation quickly get worse following the discovery of one of the Damerino’s arms, prompting Santo to tell her they must run away with Giuseppina. But his plan does not exactly work out, when Nereo and Assunta are on their tracks.

Premiere Date: April 28, 2022


Destiny's tricks

We are what we are, everyone must follow their destiny. Lassie’s destiny is to come home. Suspecting foul play in the disappearance of the Damerino, the ‘ndrangheta decides to verify Santo’s alibi. Santo once again asks for help from his daughter. Meanwhile, a sweet Collie named Lassie makes a macabre discovery…

Premiere Date: April 28, 2022


A bionic heart

Just like in the Bionic Woman, Alice dreams she’s getting an iron heart. Is that very heart the same as her father’s? Alice helps her father and he promises to help her face the shock of what she’s done for him. Nereo Ferraù and his cousin Assunta make a surprising discovery that puts Santo in a difficult position while simultaneously investigating the Damerino’s disappearance.

Premiere Date: April 28, 2022


The Barones

Alice recalls her childhood with her father's family as if it was one of those happy American sitcom families… but was it? Santo, Alice's father, tasks her with disposing of the dead body of U' Damerino, but Nonna Lina, Alice's granmother, and the ruthless Ferraù cousins, are all looking for the deceased man.

Premiere Date: April 28, 2022


Death isn't funny

Despite the chewing gum commercial Alice sees on TV, she knows you can’t kill people popping bubbles. Alice Giammatteo, 16, lives in a quiet city in Veneto with her mother. Her life as a shy and awkward girl takes a turn when she finds out the father she once believed to be dead, Santo Maria, is actually alive and part of a criminal family.

Premiere Date: April 28, 2022